Rental terms anditions


Rental terms and conditions

Bike rental

1.     Backup - obligatory identification
The renter has to leave a copy of an ID card.
2.     Theft
The rented objects are not insured against theft. In case of theft or loss the full replacement value needs to be paid. 
3.     Inspection
The customer confirms that the rental equipment was checked by himself to make sure that tehere are no obvious defects and the material is fully functional. Any defects need to be reported to the rental staff immediately. The renter is reliable for any damage that occur during the rental period. 
4.     Personal responsibility
The hirer is not liable for any damage to equipment or people that occur by or with rental material. Using our equipment is on your own risk. The costumer must pay for any damage to the equpment except for war en tear material.
Further the renter agrees that he is liability-insured to guarantee the cover of the possible damages which could happen. 
5.     Routs choice
The selection of terrain and the routes on which the rental object, including any accessories, is used is carried out at the discretion, the responsibility and risk to the renter. When using the bicycle on the trails of the  Bike Circus, the bike park rules conduct shall bee appliable. 
6.     Bike service
The hihrer recommends a free daily bike service. 
7.     Cleaning and returning
The clean rental material must be returned on the last rental day until 5 pm. When exceeding the agreed rental period, the additional rental period will be subsequently charged. 
Upon early return there is just a refund with a doctor's confirmation. 
8.     Persons under age
Persons from 16 to 18 years must have the permission and the consent of a parent or guardian. For renters less than 16 years a parent or guardian must sign the rental terms and conditions.
Hirer: Jakob Breitfuss GmbH & Co KG
The renter agrees with his signature that he has understood and accepted the rental terms and conditions. 


Deine Bikeversicherung ohne Selbstbehalt!

Unser Sorglospaket umfasst jeglichen Bruch und Schaden, sowie Diebstahl unserer Verleihbikes.

Im Falle von Bruch bzw. Beschädigung der von Ihnen geliehenen Produkte übernimmt die Versicherung die Kosten. 

Ausgenommen ist eine mutwillige Beschädigung. 

Ohne Sorglospaket müssen Sie als Kunde das Ersatzteil exkl. Reparatur bezahlen.